Pinned5 Ways which helped me to stop Comparison Mode !Reiterating the words of Theodore Roosevelt , “Comparison is the thief of Joy.”Jan 22, 2023Jan 22, 2023
Pinned5 Tips to be ConsistentWe all struggle with forming a good habit for our personal and professional growth. We often say “ I have no motivation to do" , In my…Jan 21, 2023Jan 21, 2023
Pinned5 Steps in Machine Learning Model Development.Machine Learning (ML) , a Subpart of Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are five generic steps to develop Machine Learning (ML) model.Jan 21, 2023Jan 21, 2023
Pinned5 Things I Reflect in my Journaling.Here are my 5 Things I Reflect in my Journaling Process 1 : Gratitude - One Thing I am Grateful for this DayJan 20, 20231Jan 20, 20231
PinnedHow to Form a Book Reading Habit ?My Curated Tips based on the Sustainable Minimalistic Approaches Which I have Practiced and Learnt from the Book “ Atomic Habits" and also…Jan 19, 2023Jan 19, 2023
My First Poetry Book “Reflections of Healing" is published and 3 Key takeaways while writing poetry…Take away 1 : Right Goal Right DirectionJun 2, 2023Jun 2, 2023
3 Reflective Questions for JournalingWhat memory reappeared in mind and What emotion got triggered in relation to the memory ?Apr 25, 2023Apr 25, 2023
2 Habits I love doing and which helped me to grow as an individual.JournalingJan 25, 2023Jan 25, 2023