Anisha C D
2 min readJan 21, 2023

5 Tips to be Consistent

We all struggle with forming a good habit for our personal and professional growth. We often say “ I have no motivation to do" , In my perspective ,motivation is overrated and consistency is underrated. Consistency should be your motivation. I shifted my mindset from a perfectionist mindset to a minimalistic mindset which helped me to achieve consistency in forming good habits. The minimalistic approaches I learnt and practiced from the book “Atomic Habits" , written by James Clear. I wanted to share the crisp 5 tips to be consistent which I have framed based on my practice , learnings and experience in the formation of growth habits.

Tip 1 : Start Small

We all think only when we have big goals we are worthy. But the truth is having small manageable and realistic goals increases our self worth rather than having non realistic big goals . A person who is able to break the big goals into small manageable goals progresses efficiently. So, Start Small which is easier than Starting Big. At the end of the day small steps each day adds up to big heap one day .

Tip 2 : Allocate Small Time — Golden 2 Minute Rule.

When you allocate Small Time for the new habit you are trying to form , it is easily achievable than allocating large Time . Procrastination can be prevented through action which is achieved by allocating small time — make it 2 Minutes.

Tip 3 : Repeat the Small Task for 2 Minute Daily .

For example you planned for doing workout, but you feel hard to workout, start doing one simple exercise for 2 Minutes daily,.at the end of one week , the habit gets familiar , at the end of two weeks the habit gets comfortable ,and at the end of three weeks the habit gets automated . You have achieved forming a habit .

Tip 4 : Set a Threshold and Track

Take a notepad or digital notepad write down the number of days as 21 to form the habit. So create check boxes for 21 days. Choose one habit and track daily . The first threshold level is 7 Days and second threshold level is 14 days and third threshold level is 21 days.

Tip 5 : Be Inconsistent but not more than 2 days within a Threshold.

There will be times of inconsistency and there is possibility of breaking the chain of consistency. So, make sure you don’t break the consistency for more than 2 days.

Happy Habit Forming ! ✨

Anisha C D

Passionate Research Scholar in the domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare. Reflective Thinker and love to share knowledge on AI and Self Growth.