5 Ways which helped me to stop Comparison Mode !
Image Credit : https://beserene.in/how-to-stop-comparing-yourself-to-others/
Reiterating the words of Theodore Roosevelt , “Comparison is the thief of Joy.”
I am better than the other people, I am not better than other people . Our Egoistic Mindset will be in the constant Comparison mode , it is not it’s mistake , but it will be a great mistake if we don’t know to manage our Egoistic Mindset . These 5 Ways which I have specified below have helped me to overcome comparison mode. I have found these ways through my constant seeking and experience , we cant change overnight on our comparison mode but we can start to shift to non comparison mode with small step each day.
Way 1 : Self Acceptance
The best way to navigate the comparison mode is Self Acceptance. Accepting yourself with all it’s imperfections is the first step to move away from comparison mode. Flawless is not human , only Flawed nature is being human. Enjoy and embrace the essence of imperfections which will pave to accept yourself completely.
Way 2 : Observe
Observe on the aspects of comparison you make , is it with body, mind, career, wealth, health, relationship , etc . Note that aspect and find the root , ask a self reflection question is this aspect which you are constantly comparing is the one you want to change about yourself ? If yes start a Habit formation and Track it regularly until you transform yourself the way you want.
Way 3 : Action
Take action than procrastinating . Track your progress , see how far you have come than thinking how far you have to go , Track your small Wins and challenges you have faced, it gives you confidence to proceed with action . Being in action gives you a proper pace for yourself and prevents you from comparison mode as you will be focusing on action rather than comparing. Comparison arises when you are idle so make sure you are in action , a small consistent action.
Way 4 : Check
Don’t believe all the comparison aspect, check if the comparison aspect is realistic or not. If it is realistic take action, if it is non realistic ignore that aspect.
Way 5 : Move Forward
Keep on Moving forward making a small step each day, don’t get stuck in the loop of comparison . Let’s see the tortoise and Hare story in different perspective , when the race was announced between tortoise and Hare, tortoise didn’t compare with Hare but once the race started it kept moving until the finish line without any deviation . So , let’s adopt that character of tortoise , let’s keep moving forward with our pace.
An Empathetic Mindset towards yourself is essential to handle the Egoistic Mindset.
Happy Transforming ! ✨